

There were never such devoted sisters! My sisters are my best friends. Even though so much has changed with each one of us over the last few years, we still have a blast together...whether its dancing to "Larger than Life" on the deck, painting nails, being vain :), highlighting hair, or talking all night long. Since we don't get to all be together often, it makes it even better we are!

Thanks Em and Kristin for coming all the way from NYC and Idaho this past weekend.

If you are ever at Gateway, try a Ben's cookies. Mmm...delicious!

And, some exciting news...Em is engaged to Kyle Poll! We are so excited! Em and I seem to have the same life...well sort of. We were involved in many of the same things at the same time growing up...have liked the same boys, had the same major, took at least 6 classes together at BYU, graduated together, lived abroad at the same time, were roommates at BYU, finished 2 marathons together, and even our love stories are so similar. I'm so glad we relate so well to each other. It's even cooler that we both got engaged in NYC nearly exactly one year apart. Oh, fun memories!

Since we couldn't go back to Serafina on May 27th (the day we got engaged) this year, we recreated the cute little Italian restaurant it in our little Provo apartment.
(And yes, I know I'm pathetic for saving the bag, but I knew it would come in handy!)


  1. I've always been jealous of you and your sisters! I wish I was in your family or that my parents could have produced more than just BOYS! Ha! I love you girls! And you are the cutest. I LOVE that you saved that bag and that you re-created the night in your own apartment. Super cute! And that pizza looks DELICIOUS!

  2. I love that song! you are so lucky to have so many great sisters! It must have been so much fun. Wish I could have been there too! I am glad Em has someone to relate to right now.

  3. Thats so fun!! Looks like you had fun with your sisters. And way to keep the bag and recreate the moment with Brandon:)


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