
Are we Granola?

I know I promised no more food posts, but I've become a little obsessed about food lately. Or should I say, the quality of food. I feel so much better about eating if I know what is in the food I'm eating. Remember, I don't do mystery meat, or mystery anything for that matter.

That means I've been trying to make anything I can from scratch (like wheat pancakes, syrups, sauces, bread, pizza). And since I have the time right now, I am thoroughly enjoying it.  In fact, our shopping list has significantly changed from mostly-ready meals to basic ingredients that will become our meals. It's more work and money, but I think it's worth it.

Lately, I've been on a big anti-MSG kick. The sad part is there are so many foods with MSG in it. I'm talking Chick-fil-A, ranch dressing mix (except Western Family brand), sun chips,and most chinese restaurants--just to name a few. As we were shopping at our favorite Winco Brandon was pointing out some of the foods he loved while he was single...and yes, most of them have MSG. I must be rubbing off on him because at the end of the night, our cart didn't contain any processed, MSG- loaded food. Am I crazy?

Brandon is a good sport and I am confident that the fun of hand packing all of these fun little bags from the bulk bins made my obsession seem less dramatic.We'll take a 10 pm Winco bulk-bin date any day.


  1. i think it sounds like you're making good changes! who needs all that nasty processed stuff with ingredients you can't pronounce. homemade is nearly always healthier and tastier!

  2. Oh man not you too!?! So many people are on health kicks these days and I'm just not there...yet. Ha! I think for me it's just laziness. It's hard enough to make dinner everyday I still go for the easy stuff. Maybe someday I'll be as good as you!

  3. YAHHH!! Processed food = booo and yucky feelings :( I love your shopping cart, Mel! I am soo impressed :)


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