
A tribute to my brother in-law!

Justin is one of my best friends and so this, his day of birth, I decided to give him a shout out.  Here are a few of Justin's redeeming qualities.
  1. Justin is quite the family man.  Even when you're far away (or he is far away) he'll be sure to stay in contact.  I get more calls from Justin than any other person on my phone.  I even have gotten a phone call from him every time he's been in Ghana.  He hasn't even called Melissa from Ghana.  He'll never forget you and he'll always know what you're up to because he cares.
  2. He is the best person to talk to about business ideas.  Even though we'll never go into business together cause we're family we always can bounce ideas off each other and think about things that we would have never thought of on our own.
  3. He has the cutest kids EVER! (Until mine comes along.  Actually Melissa and I are quite worried because our nieces and nephews on both sides have set the bar extremely high)  Here's an excellent example of what i mean. Emmeline the BYU Cougar fan!

  4. Justin is always trying to change the world for the better, even if it is only one fish at a time.  I'm always impressed with his perseverance.
  5. When he and Marley get together, I CANNOT STOP LAUGHING.  They aren't even trying to be funny but when we play Risk, Monopoly or they start wrestling they are the two funniest people in the world because they are in their own little world.  It's going to be so different when Michael leaves on his mission.
I could go on and on but the thing I like the most is that he never ceases to surprise me.  I make fun of him all of the time for being such a baby when it comes to spiders etc. For example, when Justin sees this:

He looks like this
It's really good that Katie is around in these types of situations.  But while we were up at a cabin in Bear Lake Justin amazed me with one of his skills.  You have to see it to believe it.

Anyway, Happy Birthday Justin!  Hope all is going well in Ghana and we can't wait for you to get home!


  1. Love the tribute. I literally laughed out loud... by myself :)

  2. hilarious! love the birthday shout out...justin is awesome!

  3. Thanks for making me look like a pansy Brandon when it comes to spiders...... j/k


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