
5/21/2011 - Our End of the World

We prepared for the end of the world by setting up our tent to sleep in that night in case our house burned down or something crazy happened.  I know you are all thinking it was a hoax but at our house the prophecy came true!  On the day of the end of the world we came home to this:

Ok, so we really didn't set the tent up before in our preparation for the end of the world but either way I think it's an omen.  Either we need to figure out what we've done wrong and repent or Heavenly Father decided life was going too well for us.

But wow, what a weekend! We headed off to Utah County on Friday night so Melissa could compete in a triathlon on Saturday (She'll talk about that another day). After the race, we had a few errands to run on the way home. Needless to say, we got home a little later than we planned. We were both looking so forward to coming home and crashing. Our plan was to walk in the door, drop our stuff, and take a nap before Stake Conference.  Instead, we were welcomed home to the sound of rushing water.

My favorite though was the bubbles of water that formed in the walls.  All I could think about was popping them.  Big Red Button Syndrome took over at that point.  If your curious, this post explains what I mean.  The Big Red Button

We finally figured out that the upstairs tenant had decided to water the lawn (as if we hadn't enough moisture) with the hose. The hose hadn't been turned on since last year because of the winter and so he hadn't realized the the pipe (that happened to run just above our bedroom) had cracked during the winter. As I'm sure you've already guessed by now he turned it on and had been watering for about 30 minutes when we came home to a fun surprise, (by the way, it really wasn't the end of the world) an inch of standing water.

In case you want to know what happens when your house floods, see below.

Your living room gets taken over by everything.
You get to eat as much rice pudding as you want.
You get to blow dry every. single. page of your journal.
In the end, we can look back and say it could have been a lot worse and that it was a good learning experience.  It also has taught us humility and gratitude for what we do have.  This license plate we saw in Gettysburg sums up my feelings of this latest "trial"

In conclusion, the good things outweighed the bad.  Or at least out numbered. :)

The bad things:
  1. Our landlady and her sons came over with a wet vac and towels.That may not seem bad until you realize that you have to empty out your entire bedroom while they are watching. Kind of awkward.
  2. We missed the adult session of stake conference because they were there late in the night. 
  3. Our bed was soaked and couldn't be slept on.
  4. We ended up having to rip the carpet out of our bedroom. 

The good things:
  1. We ordered a pizza.  We splurged and got a Garden Fresh Specialty from Papa Johns.  I'm thinking about adding the price of it to the renters insurance claim we're submitting.
  2. We got to go camping for the first time of the year albeit in the backyard
  3. The kitchen floor is really clean
  4. We got an extra round of spring cleaning in.
  5. Our Sunday nap the next day got to be in a tent as well.  How cool is that!
  6. Cold leftover pizza after church.
  7. I got to pop the water the bubbles on the wall.  (See video below)
All I know is I'm grateful it really wasn't the end of the world!

Post Edit: Remember the Fun we had in the Fiat? back in Switzerland? We thought we were off the hook for a ticket. Just happened to show up today. Perfect timing wouldn't you say?


  1. Oh man! So sorry guys! Maybe you should just come back here for a while and it will probably all be dry when you get back! ;)

  2. And thus, the good outweighs the bad! Haha... You have SUCH a great outlook on things, Melissa (and Brandon!)! Truly it's amazing.

    Let me know if you guys need anything -seriously.

  3. Oh wow. I am so sorry! but I guess a funny side to it all...OUR water heater broke, so we too had water all over the floor (mostly right outside our door and a bit into the apartment). YIKES.

    NO fun. But you guys have a great attitude!!

  4. Sounds like you guys have had quite the adventure! That's what marriage is made of :) Good luck with the clean-up! Looks like you've already had a good start!


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