
blake {at one month}

-Slept 6 hours straight last night! (not holding my breath it will happen again)
-Loves relaxing in the boppy pillow
-Loves laying on our down comforter
-Gets cuter and cuter each day
-Watches himself in mirror and can focus on mobile above his bed
-Eating great, but still spitting up a lot
-Loves bright lights and looking out the windows


  1. My first spit up a lot, it can be a hassle! I hope he's happy despite that! Its so amazing how quickly time flies with newborns!

  2. So cute! It sounds like he is a great baby! Congrats!

  3. Such a cute pic! Can't believe he's already a month.

  4. I can't believe he is past a month old! WOW!
    I am loving all the pictures you keep taking of him - you're going to be SO grateful you've done that when time goes on and he's older. (I say that like I'm a mom and I somehow know - haha!)
    I'm so stoked for you two - what amazing parents I know you are! :)

    P.S. Sorry about the root canal! NOT fun... I'm glad it's doin' better.


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