
blake {2 month stats}

::Blake had his 2 month appointment a few days ago. Shots were inevitable, but he handled them like a champ...until 4 hours later when he woke up screaming like I have never heard him before. Poor little guy. It broke my heart.

::Speaking of a champ, he is growing like one. He is now 11 lbs 5 oz (39 percentile) and 23 inches long (51 percentile)

::And the picture? Well, it was too cute not to include. I caught him in the act of doing his other favorite thing lately- putting his fist in his mouth. Is that not the cutest thing you have ever seen?


  1. Ah! TWO MONTHS already!?! Love the picture. What a cutie!

  2. when he starts teething he will try to stick two fists in his mouth- that is pretty fun to watch!


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