Brandon had the brilliant idea (1000 bonus points for him) to take a half day off work and go the Norman Rockwell exhibit at the BYU MOA and the Provo City Center Temple Open House in the afternoon before our double date. Family time is my favorite and it made me so happy. We stopped by his office to check out all the new Star Wars stuff his boss added to him and Mark's office.
The art museum was fun, too. It's too bad our kids didn't last longer.
I love going on dates with this guy. We've been making it more of a priority to go on a date once a week and it's been a blast. We laugh and talk about our dreams. And we've got big ones! We doubled with Justin and Katie to Oregano, a new restaurant in Provo. The food was delicious!! I didn't even take a picture of it, but I would like to go back.

And then games at their house after the kids were in bed. We stayed up until 1 am playing One Night Ultimate Werewolf. That game is addicting.

Our weekend ended with an amazing Stake Conference with President Nelson and his wife in attendance. Wendy Nelson gave a special training on Saturday to all the Relief Society presidencies and wow. I haven't felt the Spirit that strong in a long, long time. Ironically, I was not feeling that excited to go. But just before I walked in, I said a prayer that I would feel the Spirit and feel Heavenly Father's love for me. My prayer was answered ten-fold! I was in tears nearly the entire meeting because I felt like many of the thoughts were directed to me. I received very specific direction for my life right now. Some changes are going to take great Faith, but I know the Lord will bless me if I follow those promptings.
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